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Mind-blowing New DDoS Protection v2.0 "The Xtreme" incoming at New Locations!
  • Saturday, 19th August, 2023
  • 14:34pm

     Our Technical Team has been working around the clock in order to deploy more protection services for your services.

DDoS Attacks are on the rise but we have created new ways to mitigate and kill the attacks before they reach your

website, server, or services.

      As most of you have noticed, we have been making major changes behind the scenes  in order to provide you with the best services.

With help from customers, colleagues, friends, family, and whomever else, we were  able to test some of our new services in real-time.

No we don't go around looking for DDoS, to test and fine tune our services, we would offer our services at no charge during the tests

in order to "test and tune". (We apologize if you didn't get a chance to see it in action.)

      Now keep in mind There are over a handful of factors that come into play when it comes to Network Protection. Every situation is different

and you never know what you are up against when trying to mitigate the attacks. There are tons of providers out there that claim they have

the best DDoS protection or 100%  uptime SLA, or protection for cheap...etc. We do not bash other providers here at Xtremeprovider, but those

providers are feeding their customers with lies. There are some great DDoS Mitigation companies out there, but they will rob your pockets clean with

their prices. We want you to have the same service but at a fraction of the cost.


Enough of the rant, lets take a look at our numbers from testing "The Xtreme" v2.0 Anti-DDoS:

  1. Major interruption in services during DDoS Attack: 0 - 0.10% Affected (Greater then 100ms latency spikes, major network congestion and massive timeouts.)
  2. Moderate to major interruption to services during attack: 0 - 0.25 % Affected  (More then 50ms Latency spikes, somewhat noticeable at times on some servies.)
  3. Minor to Moderate interruption to services during attack: 0 - 0.25 % Affected (Minimal latency ( <30ms ) spikes during attacks, no active "clean" connection disconnects.)
  4. None to Minor interruption to services during attack. (99.40% Did not know they were even being attacked!)


We are excited to announce that we now have Anti-DDoS VPS back in stock at our Frankfurt, DE Location.

We have added three new locations in the USA to Anti-DDoS VPS v2.0 (The Xtreme) MIA/CHI/NY.


Let me tell you, nothing puts a smile on your face then getting hit with over 5 million packets per second and you can't even tell its happening.

Stay tuned for future posts with what this new technology is, how it works and why it makes it so great!